
The CHELSA timeseries data is a monthly dataset of several climatic variables at 30 arc sec resolution for the earth’s land surface areas.

Version 2.1 can be downloaded here:

global temp

Karger, D.N., Conrad, O., Böhner, J., Kawohl, T., Kreft, H., Soria-Auza, R.W., Zimmermann, N.E., Linder, P., Kessler, M. (2017): Climatologies at high resolution for the Earth land surface areas. Scientific Data. 4 170122. https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2017.122

Karger, D. N., Conrad, O., Böhner, J., Kawohl, T., Kreft, H., Soria-Auza, R. W., Zimmermann, N. E., Linder, H. P., Kessler, M. (2021). Climatologies at high resolution for the earth’s land surface areas. EnviDat. https://www.doi.org/10.16904/envidat.228.v2.1